BCM staff augmentation

Whether you need to build your entire Business Continuity program, or whether you just need to write some documents, Business Continuity Management as a Service from Codimensions is your answer.   It consists of a series of predefined modules that can be assembled into a complete Business Continuity plan.  These modules have been created using Codimensions over 40 years of experience in best practises for the BCM Lifecycle. 

Do you have the skills you need to build and execute your plan – on board – right now?

What is more cost effective?  Hiring project managers, technical writers, and consultants or paying a monthly fee to get just enough of each.   Why not pay for the skill, instead of a person.   Our program allows you to pay a monthly fee, and access the skills you need when you need them.   So effectively a Business Continuity Plan that might take 3 or more people to build, can be created fast and for a fraction of the cost. 

So for the price of hiring a single resource to manage your BCP, you can acquire all the skills you need, and leverage 40 years of experience, saving you time, money, and ensuring that you have a plan that works!

For more information, please contact us.
